
Album cover for "Hypnaliminalesce"

This song is about a certain kind of crossing over into sleep from a state of drowsiness, and the oscillation between relative wakefulness and dreaming.

Ymages slip back and forth through the (ir)real, where sometimes you are caught up in the tail end of rumination (that might have been making it difficult to relax), and then the sheer volume of content drops off as well as the intensity.

That’s what these lyrics do.

The verses go up and down in length, but the peaks get smaller, and that dampening sine wave overlays a descending curve whose rate of precipitousness flattens out.

I selected sonorous words that tended towards association with pleasant meanings; naturally, many of them are not conventional… they are not dictionary entries. They are not directive… they are evocative through the power of the roots and stems of their origins.

I went for a light-hearted, ephemeral style that draws upon a vocal (sometimes whispered) intimacy with the microphone.

And at the end, I decided to add a note of emotional intimacy as well, as this song turned into an unusual lullaby. 

Due to the unusual nature of the lyrics, I made a lyricized video.


Wondering luminesce harmonous evenward alone  

Mellifluous arabesce meanderous homeward unknown  

Whisperous everlesce memoreen willowing ways  

Opalescene and emerline, lingerward haze  

Meaningline melodies windescend luminousaire  

Harmonous wanderlife everywhile meanerndering there  

Emerline memories lingerend willowine home  

Opalashine and wonderless, everward roam  

Mellowly wanderwise innerward everywhile now  

Luminesces aerialine waverend remember how  

Meaningward weavascend enmomious rare  

Willowlife wondermend floam ascendaire  

Heavenline amaranth wandersome meaningfully here  

Memorious mellowlesce, harmonous near  

Luminesce wavelens in emerlineaire  

Willowsome wonderlife everyward there  

Liminal evenline  

Mellownesce here  

Whispersome seasonesce  

Memorious near  


Wanderlife willowine, evenward rain  

Luminesce memories here assume again  

Aerialine weavascend windowward ways  

Innerlife meaningsome memorious sways  

(Memory wanderless) mellowing shine  

Emerline evensome meaningward fine 

Mellowsome amaranth wanderdream flow  

Everless memories streamingward go  

Windingly whereward the harmonous flows  

Meaningward movascend where nobody knows  

Wandersome aerialine  

Memorywise sways  

Mellowlife innerward through  

Luminesce ways  

Liminal waveline 

(Wanderless free)

Luminesce airline  

Memorious sea  


Wanderline aerialesce, mellowmoon swirl

Memorywise weavascend afterlife whirl

Healingward windasome away

Emerlinesce memory sway

Luminward everwhence, innerlife there

Meaningfulesce moving through emerwind air

Willowlesce swaydream

(Meanderlife willowesce)

Memorshine flow

(Wanderine innerwise)

Emerline glow

Liminal healesce


Windascend numberlesce





Healingwise memoryline



Melloward innerlesce


Memorine wanderlife

Luminesaire (and free rare)


Wanderaire here


Flowingwhaire near

Liminal learningwise


(Innerward yearninglife)



(Wanderless luminaire)

Luminesce here


Innerlesce flows







Sweet dreamnesses, my child…

I love you so!

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