Sonnet On It

Album cover for "Sonnet On It"

First, I was in a mood to write a sonnet. I have never written one before.

Then, I was in a mood to use a sonnet — which has very specific rules (that vary by type) — to address the notion of breaking away from the rules.

So the lyrics start out (first quatrain) with the very familiar topic of “my love is…” but not with typical values.

Then it moves on (second quatrain) to the lament of the problem, namely the restrictions placed on expressions of love by staid cultures.

Then we hit an approach to that problem as a shift towards a glimmer of hope (third quatrain), with a destruction of the sonnet’s traditional form halfway through the couplet. 

It’s a very short song, but fun.


My love is like the rose’s curving thorn,

    that guards her heart with threaded needle grace;

like shadow’s flash in darkness yet unborn,

    wWhen Sun must yield to Moon’s sublime embrace. (Eclipse, baby.)

Like lovers bound by pavane’s measured beat,

    in masquerades, a fleeting chance to glance;

while hearts soar wild, fear binds the stepping feet,

    and love must bow to rules of courtly dance. (Watch your step.)

What choice have we but souls with darkened panes,

    for fear of shattering the status quo,

to bare our Selves in truth no hope remains,

    our lives entombed behind our masks… although. (Uh-oh, here it comes.)

My love may be warm hearth `pon winter's breast,

but frankly, my dear, it’s really more like my authentic Self telling the status quo to shove its couplet up the chimney blessed. (So stuff a sonnet, status quovians.)

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